A disasters day at LBS college

today was the day that we presented our idea in LBS college for IEEE . our topic was on dam disaster managment which was a total disaster ,well in the first place my friend nandu developed this idea which is toooo simple i saw believe me we only took 3 minutes to present our idea were 10 minutes were given . The judge didn’t appreciated any team i dont know what’s going around this guy but he wants everything to be perfect,practical he graded our idea to a hypothetical one well that’s why they are ideas this guy doesn’t seems to understand the idea of idea. what surprised me is that there were this good looking girls with a great idea about rover and they are too stupid to point out the limitations of this thing in there slide commonsense is not so common the only benefit of today is that we don’t get to go to classes and we’ll be getting duty leave and real cool part is LBS is a girls college so we didn’t even felt to go HOME